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Parish Council


All Orthodox Christian Parishioners in good standing for one year are eligible to run for one of the twenty-one elected positions. The elections take place yearly in December in the Church Hall for seven of twenty-one positions. All parishioners in good standing are eligible to vote and the Council members serve a three-year term.



The Parish Council, with the guidance of the Priest, is the body that manages and oversees all operations of our Church and Parish Community. Its duties include: administering the Parish’s operating procedures, business concerns, and fund-raising activities.



The Parish Council meets once a month at the Church. 


Executive Board


Kostantinos Mallas, President 


Angelo Mallas, 1st Vice President


Anthony K. Grigos, 2nd Vice President 


Anna Condoulis, Secretary


Kostas Gerakaris, Assistant Secretary


James Magriples, Treasurer


Stavros Haviaras, Assistant Treasurer



Board Members

Paul Bregianos, Stamatis Chasabenis, Yannis Frazis, John Kafkis, Chris Kalogerou, Diane Kostikas, Angelo Kotropoulos, Aspostolos Leonardos, Nikolaos Leonardos, John Makrinos, Milton Paraskevadis, George Stavropoulos, Emanuel Tsoukaris, Dr. Tom Tzivas

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